Selita Ebanks shines light on Costa Verde International School, Sierra Leone, & holiday giving, supermodel-style!

Selita Ebanks poses with artwork up for auction to benefit Sayulita, Mexico's Costa Verde International School.

She’s graced the pages of Sports Illustrated, strutted her stuff in some pretty fantastic lingerie, and she ran away with Kanye’s videothe girl even makes getting fired look good! But Selita Ebanks is more than just a supermodel—she’s also a superstar philanthropist.

Thursday night in the West Village, Ebanks was out to support the Costa Verde International School, a “green school” in Sayulita, Mexico, co-founded by Ebanks’s friend, photographer Anne Menke. CVIS aims to provide the Sayulita community with progressive education focused on environmental sustainability and responsibility in Mexico—a lofty goal to achieve with limited resources. Ebanks—looking cozy in a wooly DVF vest over her Rebecca Taylor frock—hosted the 401 Green Photography & Fashion Auction, where everything from Menke’s photos to a Mexican getaway were up for bid, with proceeds benefitting CVIS.

 Having collaborated with Menke throughout her modeling career, Ebanks was happy to shine some light—and funding—on CVIS. “[Menke’s] children go there, and it’s free admission for all the local kids. It’s such an amazing thing, to bring children from all walks of life together,” the Caymanian beauty told Videofashion. “I just had to help her.”

The curriculum at CVIS stresses community involvement—something instilled in Ebanks and her seven brothers (s-e-v-e-n!) since childhood. “It was really important to my Mom to allow us to see the world and reality. We didn’t wear rose-colored shades,” Selita told Videofashion. “We knew where our Thanksgiving turkey was coming from, so we would volunteer for Thanksgiving for the homeless, we would wrap presents for other kids.” Ebanks continues to make giving back a priority. “Community work and being aware of your surroundings is very important,” she added.

While guests sipped Gran Centenario Tequila cocktails and enjoyed music by Lovely Liar, Ebanks filled us in on another charity dear to her heart. “Shine on Sierra Leone is an organization I started working with three years ago,” Ebanks told Videofashion. The group, dedicated to lowering child mortality in the tiny, war-torn West African nation, is finally ready to open Sierra Leone’s very first maternity hospital! Ebanks couldn’t be more proud. “The team is going down on November 20, and there’s going to be a big ceremony. We are really humbled by it,” said Ebanks. “It’s just our first hospital, and I’m going to continue to work hard!” she added.

When Selita isn’t working, she still keeps busy doing good. This year for Thanksgiving, the supermodel is headed to Georgia, where she’ll be whipping up some southern hospitality in mom’s kitchen. “I’m cooking!” she emphasized. “It’s like a six-course meal she’s requested! She’s gonna put her feet up and be Mommy.” (awww …)

As for Christmas, Ebanks is sans wish list. “I’ve had a really successful year, especially with my philanthropy, so I’m happy,” she shared. Her holiday shopping list is also short and sweet. “I don’t really give gifts; I make donations to UNICEF in people’s names,” said the benevolent beauty. A supermodel-approved time-saving and life-saving present? That’s a gift that really keeps on giving!